What Causes Your Cat to Vomit?

The great writers over at PetPav.com have this great article to share about causes of the gastrointestinal sharings of our furry companions. Our cats will vomit from time to time from hairballs or even ingesting their food too quickly. And, in those instances, we know it really isn’t a cause for concern. Your cat might even vomit from eating something that doesn’t agree with him or her. However, vomiting can also be a sign of a serious condition that needs immediate medical attention.

If your cat vomits more than once or regularly, you should call your veterinarian. If your cat just releases a hairball now and then, not to worry. But, if you cat vomits more than once or appears sick, call your veterinarian. Your veterinarian will ask you a series of questions to determine how severe the vomiting is. It will be helpful for your veterinarian to know when the vomiting started, how many times your cat has vomited, what the vomit looks like, and if your cat is uncomfortable.

If any of the following occur, call your veterinarian immediately:
There is blood in your cat’s vomit, your cat wants to vomit, but nothing is expelled; your cat has a bloated stomach; you think your cat ate something toxic; you cat has a fever, pale or yellow gums; your cat appears to be in pain and/or has diarrhea.

In most cases of cat vomiting, food is withheld for a day

In many cases of vomiting in cats, it is recommended to withhold food for at least 24 hours, and provide small amounts of water frequently. Then, a bland diet such as chicken and rice is offered in small amounts. If the vomiting does not recur, your cat is slowly switched back to his normal diet or a special diet over the course of several days.

And for some cases, it might be necessary to change your cat’s diet permanently. You might have to avoid certain ingredients in your cats’ diet, add fiber to the diet, decrease the fat intake or even include digestive enzymes.

If intestinal worms are causing vomiting, your vet will make the appropriate recommendation

If intestinal worms are present, the appropriate type of wormer will be recommended by your vet. Few wormers kill every kind of intestinal worm, so it is very important that the appropriate wormer be selected. It is usually necessary to repeat the wormer one or more times over several weeks or months.

If the vomiting causes dehydration, your kitty might need intravenous fluids

If dehydration is present, it is usually necessary to give your cat intravenous or subcutaneous fluids. Oral fluids are often inadequate since they pass through your cat too quickly to be sufficiently absorbed.

If the vomiting is caused by a bacteria, antibiotics will be prescribed

Antibiotics are given if the vomiting is caused by bacteria. They may also be given if the stomach or intestine has been damaged or there is blood in the stool or vomit and there is a chance that the injury could allow bacteria from the digestive tract into the blood stream.

And in other cases, medication may be given to decrease vomiting. As a general rule, these drugs should not be given if the cat could have ingested a toxin or has a bacterial infection, so as always, the right diagnosis is necessary.