National Adopt a Cat Month

June is National Adopt a Cat Month. If you need some convincing to add a mischievous, adorable ball of fluff to your household, here are our top reasons why you should!

1. Cats are quiet. Very rarely will the most insistent of meows be louder than the softest barks. If you are concerned about the noise your pet might make, cats are the perfect animal. 

2. Cats are super low maintenance. They don’t require any formal behavior or obedience training. They take themselves to the bathroom and bathe themselves! Sure, long-haired cats require trips to the groomers, but these are typically less expensive and frequent appointments than those for pups. 

3. Cats are easy to house train. Ever house-trained a new puppy? Yeah, it is a process. On the other hand, Kittens simply need to be shown where their litterbox is. They will instinctively use it. (Need some help with your litter box? Read our six tips for a better litter box!)

4. They make excellent apartment pets. Cats can be quite comfy in smaller spaces and love going vertical. This means even in the smallest spaces, a cat tree or tower can give them all the room they need to roam. And, as mentioned before, cats use litterboxes. No late-night walks outside to go potty! 

5. Cats are independent. One of the best things about cats is that they are very independent. Cats are quite content to have time to themselves instead of demanding undivided attention like other types of pets. In fact, cats usually sleep for about 15 hours a day.

6. Cats have a long lifespan. The average life span of a cat is 15 years, but it’s not uncommon for them to live into their high teens or even early twenties. Cats make wonderful long-term companions.

7. Did you know cats are good for your health? According to studies, cats have a calming effect on their owners. Research shows cats can help lower your blood pressure and reduce the risk of dying from a heart attack. 

8. Cats are hunters. Cats are hardwired to stalk, hunt, and pounce on their prey, making them perfect for keeping your home free of unwanted pests – mice, bugs, or something else. Even their presence can be enough of a deterrent for rodents as their scent can act as a repellent.

There is no question that cats are incredible companions. With their soothing purrs, big, expressive eyes, and quirky habits, cats can be the perfect addition to your family. Ready to adopt your new feline friend? Check out our article on what you should consider before adding a pet to your family. 

Happy National Adopt a Cat Month!