Your Pup’s Love Language

A wagging tail and wet kisses when you walk in the door – there is no doubt your dog loves you. But how do you tell your pup you love them back?

One of the best ways to communicate with your dog is through mimicry. Dogs read facial expressions and body language. The more you understand what you are saying to your dog and what they are saying back, the better you can show them how much you love them. 

Baby talk is a good thing! 

Studies show that dogs actually understand a lot more than we thought, so having conversations with your pup isn’t all that crazy. And guess what? Your dog really likes the high-pitched, baby-talk tone you use. 

Oh, and one more thing. You might consider adding a bedtime story to your nightly routine. Reading to dogs has been shown to calm anxiety and bring shy dogs out of their shells. 

Pay attention to body language

Signs your pup is feeling loved and safe:

  • A wagging tail
  • Eye Contact
  • A raised eyebrow

On the other hand, your dog might be anxious or stressed if they:

  • Have a tucked tail
  • Licking their lips
  • Avoiding eye contact

The Look of Love

Dogs do a lot of their communication with their eyes. Long, lingering eye contact means, “I love you.” When you share a sweet gaze with your pup, oxytocin, the “love chemical,” goes up for both of you.

Lean into it

Dogs lean against you as a sign of love and trust. You can mimic the behavior to show a little bit of love in return. 

 It’s snuggle time!

Dogs are pack animals by nature. That means they need playmates and napping buddies. Even if you aren’t a big fan of letting your dog in your bed, an afternoon nap on the couch will help your pup feel more connected and “part of the pack.” Plus, dogs thrive on physical contact. Cuddles give them the connection they need.

A loving touch

Gentle grooming or petting will let your pup know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you love them. Specifically, their ears are packed with feeling receptors, and rubbing them releases loads of oxytocin.