National Adopt a Cat Month

June is National Adopt a Cat Month. If you need some convincing to add a mischievous, adorable ball of fluff to your household, here are our top reasons why you should! 1. Cats are quiet. Very rarely will the most insistent of meows be louder than the softest barks. If you are concerned about the noise your pet might make, …

Summer Paw Care Tips

Summer is almost here, which means lots of outside time and walks with our pups! Spending time outside in the fresh air and sunshine is fantastic, but sometimes it can be rough on dog paws. Here are five typical summertime paw problems that are entirely preventable: 1. Burnt and torn pads. If you’ve ever run across the street barefoot, you …

6 tips for a better litter box

We adore our cats but could absolutely live without the litter box situation. Where should you put it? How do you keep your house from smelling like a litter box? And then there’s the litter – tracked all over the house and scattered like confetti by your feline friend.  Good news! You can do a few things to eliminate some …

Does your pet have a toothache?

Pet toothaches are notoriously hard to spot in pets thanks to our companion’s enthusiastic love of food. Most pets will plow through their meals, regardless of the oral pain they may be experiencing. Also, more often than not, our pets don’t like us sticking our hands in their mouths any more than we want to do it, which makes looking …

Peanut Butter Dog Treat recipe

Peanut Butter Dog Treats

Try out these cute, tasty homemade peanut butter dogs treats for National Peanut Butter Day! 1 cup whole wheat flour 1/4 mashed banana 1/2 cup creamy peanut butter 1/4 low sodium vegetable or beef stock Preheat oven to 350ºF Combine all four ingredients – the dough will be thick! Press the dough into a ball, then roll out evenly to …

Have a Healthy New Year!

It’s that time of year again! Have you made your New Year’s resolutions? What about resolutions for your pet? Here are some ideas to make sure you and your pet have a fun, healthy 2022! Schedule their annual wellness exam. Start the year off with a check-up. Your pet can’t tell you how they are feeling; regular exams help spot …

Your Pup’s Love Language

A wagging tail and wet kisses when you walk in the door – there is no doubt your dog loves you. But how do you tell your pup you love them back? One of the best ways to communicate with your dog is through mimicry. Dogs read facial expressions and body language. The more you understand what you are saying …